Illustration © Nikki McClure

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About this project

Grassroots Feminism: Building a transnational community towards participatory culture and civic engagement

The preconception of youth, and in particular of girls and young women, as culturally unproductive and as passive consumers of mass culture and media is still very much ingrained today. However, girls and young women are capable cultural producers who create a wide variety of their own films, music, media, and festivals. To gain insight into and to document the cultural spaces girls and young women create and the meaning they have, it is vital to look closely at their own cultural spaces - and not only at media produced for them (which is done more frequently).


Making Art, Making Media, Making Change!

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Wissenschaftskommunikationsprojekt finanziert durch den Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds FWF [WKP 10]

Team: Elke Zobl (Leitung), Ricarda Drüeke, Stefanie Grünangerl
Kooperationspartner_innen: Prof. Carmen Mörsch, Institute for Art Education, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Schweiz), Büro trafo.K (Wien), Make-It: Mädchenzentrum Salzburg, Mona-Net: Mädchen Online Netzwerk Austria, Frauenbüro Stadt Salzburg, verschiedene Kultur- und Medienproduzent_innen


Media coverage

This list of articles, interviews, columns etc. shows you what others think about and our projects:

Ina Freudenschuß: Mehr als nur Myspace-Freundinnen, (29.11.2007)

Melanie Maddison: Grassroots Feminism 2.0? An interview with Red Chidgey, The F-Word (03.03.2009)


About us: Stefanie Grünangerl

Stefanie Grünangerl (Austria) is an art historian and art mediator. She studied art history, communication science and French at the University of Salzburg and since 2004 works at Galerie 5020, Salzburg. During 2010 - 2012 she was a member of the research team of the “Feminist Media Production in Europe” project based at the University of Salzburg.


Book: Feminist Media - Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship

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Elke Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke (eds.)
Feminist Media
Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship
September 2012, 292 S., kart., zahlr. Abb., 32,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8376-2157-0
Reihe Critical Media Studies
Funded within the Austrian-Science Fund (FWF) project: P21187


Young women as creators of new cultural spaces

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Hertha-Firnberg Stipendium (funded by the Austrian Science Fund / gefördert vom Fonds für wissenschaftliche Forschung / FWF)
Project coordinator: Dr. Elke Zobl

A new phenomenon in female youth culture is the immense growth of non-profit, community-based, queer-feminist festivals created by young women that showcase and encourage the artistic, organizational and political work of women, so called “Ladyfests”. Originating in Olympia (USA) in 2000, these Ladyfests have spread across the globe: In the past ten years (2000-2010) 263 Ladyfests have taken place in 34 countries.


Feminist Media Production in Europe

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Stand-alone Project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (P21187)

Elke Zobl (Project coordinator) (while on leave: Elisabeth Klaus)
Rosa Reitsamer (2009–2011)
Red Chidgey (2008–2010)
Jenny Gunnarsson-Payne (2008–2009)
Stefanie Grünangerl (2010–2011)

Online documentation:
Digital archive Grassroots Media in Europe:
Digital archive Zines:


Fair Use Info

Grassroots Feminism subscribes (like The Queer Zine Archive Project to the belief that what we do as archivists constitutes "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107:


About us: Rosa Reitsamer

holds PhD in sociology and a post-doctoral scholarship at the University Salzburg, Department of Communication. She is currently working at the research project “Feminist Media Production in Europe”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. She is co-founder of the digital archive Discourses on Popular Music, Gender and Ethnicity (together with Maria José Belbel) and co-editor of the anthologies Female Consequences.


Course: Women Getting Crafty

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Women Getting Crafty: Zur Reevaluierung feminin codierter Handarbeit in gegenkulturellen Kunstkontexten
A Weblog in relation to the university course (lecture) “Women Getting Crafty: Zur Reevaluierung feminin codierter Handarbeit in gegenkulturellen Kunstkontexten”.
Lecturer: Mag.a Sonja Eismann und Elke Zobl
Wintersemester 2007/2008
Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Institut für Künstlerisches Lehramt, Vienna, Austria