Illustration © Nikki McClure



Ladyfest Bournemouth 2006


United Kingdom
50° 43' 21.1692" N, 1° 52' 43.1832" W

"Ladyfest Bournemouth's Blurbs
About me:
Ladyfest Bournemouth was part of Oxfam's 'Oxjam 2006' campaign - Oxfam's biggest and most ambitious music festival to date. It took place between the 26th and the 29th October '06, and was extremely successful!

To date, Ladyfest has raised £2000 for Oxfam!

We are using this money to purchase the following items through the Oxfam Unwrapped Catalogue:
(Click on the links to see more information)

We are kitting out an entire village with seeds, trees, farm animals and tools.

We are also buying:


Ladyfest Leipzig 2007


51° 20' 14.9136" N, 12° 21' 34.6284" E

"Warum eigentlich Ladyfest? Warum hier heute und überhaupt?
# weil die Zustände immer noch so sind: patriarchal, sexistisch...
# weil es nur Mann und Frau geben darf und dazwischen nichts...
# weil immer noch Männer die künstlerischen, musikalischen und viele andere Ebenen dominieren...

Dem wollen wir, wie VeranstalterInnen in vielen anderen Städten, etwas entgegensetzen- Spaß vor allem und das Gefühl, dass etwas gehen kann. Wir wollen Mut machen, zeigen, dass es sich lohnt auszuprobieren und umzusetzen was bisher nur lang gehegte Träume waren...


Ladyfest Leeds 2007


United Kingdom
53° 47' 15.6192" N, 1° 32' 56.6592" W

"Ladyfest Leeds 2007 was a week long extravaganza of arts and music events that took place in venues across Leeds Tuesday 10th to Sunday 15th April 2007.

All in the name of celebrating creativity, diversity and promoting gender equality, it featured bands, solo artists, DJS, dance, theatre, clowning, cabaret, juggling, shadow puppets, art, a myriad of workshops and much more.


Out of Place, Out of Print- first British collection on queerness/raciality censored


United Kingdom

In Solidarity with “Out of Place”
(posted on behalf of ‘In solidarity with “Out of Place”, London’)

This statement is written by a group of white non-Muslim queer activists in solidarity and support for the writers of the article “Gay Imperialism: Gender and Sexuality Discourse in the ‘War on Terror’” (2008) by Jin Haritaworn, Tamsila Tauquir and Esra Erdem. This article problematises the role of the white queer activist Peter Tatchell, amongst others, in the construction of Muslim communities as homophobic, highlighting the racist and imperialist effect such constructions have in the context of the ‘War on Terror’. Haritaworn et al. point out that in many of Tatchell’s campaigns and political statements the discourse he uses reinforces the idea of Muslims as dangerous extremists, and constructs Muslims as “the other” of white gay people, and that in doing so he dismisses and marginalises the voices and experiences of queer Muslims, in particular those who object to having Tatchell as a spokesperson for their struggles.


"We are following an historical line": An email interview with the Lash Back! Collective

Grassroots media in Europe
Teaser Image: 

Can you introduce yourself?
Hello, we are Lash Back! Lash Back is a feminist collective and magazine based in Dublin Ireland. The group was initially set up in late 2007 by 3 women in Dublin. The group has slowly evolved and now encompasses approx 25 casual collective members, 6 organising members and an e-mail group of over 80 members.

Can you tell us about the Lash Back collective?

Lash Back Collective
Red Chidgey & Elke Zobl

Hexennacht - Take Back The Night

Teaser Image: 

"Take Back The Night" is an action regularly organised by feminists to oppose violence against women. In Belgium and the Netherlands this type of action is called "Hexennacht" (= Witch Night). Often it takes place on November 25th, the international day against violence to women.

Type of project: 
Sexual violence

At Sea With Sexists

Sometimes giving the time of day to a sexist isn’t the best way of dealing with them. But sometimes… sometimes… you’re at sea with them and there’s no getting off the boat, you just need some quick answers to the biggest sexist jibes, to right it and stand up straight again. This ‘zine will give a bit of that.


Ladyfest Bordeaux 2008


44° 50' 25.0476" N, 0° 34' 56.19" W

"Le Ladyfest Bordeaux est un festival non-lucratif et DIY qui se tiendra dans plusieurs lieux à travers Bordeaux les 11, 12 et 13 avril 2008. Organisé principalement par des femmes (mais les garçons motivés sont les bienvenus) pour mettre en avant le travail des artistes féminines indépendantes, le Ladyfest Bordeaux proposera des performances d’artistes, des concerts, des projections, des ateliers, des conférences…

Le premier Ladyfest a eu lieu à Olympia, Washington en 2000, et le concept s’est depuis répandu dans plus de 50 villes à travers le monde.


Ladyfest Cork 2008


52° 12' 34.6536" N, 7° 43' 24.2004" W

"LadyFest Cork is a community based, not-for-profit event. It is intended to celebrate and encourage the talents of women of all ages, colour, creed, background and sexuality, while highlighting the inequalities that sadly still exist in today’s world. The festival will feature bands, artists, filmmakers, workshops and more. The core organisers of LadyFest are women, but everyone is encouraged to attend and volunteer. Our aim is to create a positive, all-inclusive forum for discussion, performance and celebration!


Ladyfest Monterrey 2008


25° 41' 7.926" N, 100° 18' 40.14" W