Women's News was established in 1984 by a small group of volunteer women who recognised that the lack of women's voices in society was detrimental not only to the development of peace but also to the condition of women. Conflict silences women's voices and the magazine provided a forum through which women could communicate across the divide on various issues affecting not only women but society at large. From its birth Women's News has encouraged grassroots women to use the magazine as a way of having their say and contribute to reconciliation and peace in a safe and effective way. The majority of the contributors to the magazine are grassroots women and Women's News operates various programmes to enable women to access and utilise the media as a means of participation. The power of the media in regards to shaping and influencing the public agenda should not be underestimated, the media not only follow the agenda but also lead the agenda. Without the voice of women being integral within this industry an egalitarian society will never become a reality.
Women's News is the only feminist magazine in Ireland and it adheres to a feminist ethos, however it is completely inclusive and opens its pages to debate and discussion. There is a huge range of magazines on the shelves aimed at women, however none deal with peace building, attitudinal change, challenging the status quo et cetera to the degree that Women's News does. Very few if any, rely on grassroots women for its articles and provide such an open and inclusive forum for expression and communication.