Illustration © Nikki McClure

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BUILDING A TRANSNATIONAL FEMINIST COMMUNITY TOWARDS A PARTICIPATORY CULTURE AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: This is our aim! To do so, please upload your projects, interviews you have done, resources you find interesting and join the grassroots feminist community! If you have questions, please email me (Elke Zobl) at elke.zobl(at)
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Ladyfest Cologne 2010


50° 55' 50.6568" N, 6° 56' 36.0924" E

Ladyfest Cologne will happen from 3rd to 5th of September 2010.


Ladyfest München 2010


48° 8' 12.3612" N, 11° 34' 26.7492" E

"lady*fest münchen assoziationen

type=blog, ein Diskussionsforum für Riot Grrrls, Queers, Feministinnen und Interessierte

Check out our german online-forum, a community for Riot Grrrls, feminists, activists, queers, homos, transgender and just interested people!!!

visit: (or also:


Zadra (Magazine)


50° 3' 52.74" N, 19° 56' 41.928" E

"Zadra" ("Splinter") is a feminist quarterly published in Cracow by eFKA since autumn 1999.

"Zadra" is a feminist magazine meant not only for feminists. The circle of its readers is far-reaching. It includes not only people involved in feminism, pursuing gender studies and those well-acquainted with the subject, but also those who refuse to think in stereotypes and are interested in feminism.


Riot Grrrl History: Kathleen Hanna donates personal papers to an archive

Teaser Image: 

Much beloved figure within punk rock feminism, Kathleen Hanna is an icon for our generation. Standing on stage sreaming about girl's rights ("rights. rights. you do have them"), writing about sexual abuse in a way that opens your guts on to the page, and constantly encouraging other feminists to find their voices and own ways of resisting, Hanna has been an incredidly influential figure in the rise of riot grrrl and third wave feminisms. She's been the soundtrack and mentor for many young feminists learning how to make zines, make noise, change their scenes, and start a "grrrl style revolution, right now!".

So it's pretty exciting to hear that Kathleen has donated a whole stack of personal papers from the years 1989 to 1996 to the NYU's Fales Library in the States, which has a brand new Riot Grrrl Collection. The histories of queer/grrrl/Lady actions are still to be told, especially in our own words. When more materials are available for the historical record it helps us move beyond all the fourth-hand news that often gets reported, and distorted, in popular press and academic accounts. Knowing our histories not only gives us the courage to stand up and speak out, it also passes on valuable information about tactics and strategies. We need a mountain of these histories to keep us strong and to keep us moving.

Hanna and her co-conspirators over the years have contributed massively to an underground challenge to male dominance in women's everyday lives. Riot Grrrl was not just a North American thing but has been picked up across Europe, Down Under, in Latin America, South Africa, Malaysia and the Phillipines. Whilst its power as a subculture fuelled by sounds and fanzines have diminished over the years- as is only right for a healthy, self-generating feminist counter culture- its legacies are still incrediby powerful and shape many punk rock feminist dreams still.

Kathleen Hanna, we salute you!


FemAdLib Kolektiv (Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

We are artists making feminist noise from a grass-roots level. FemAdLib is not just an exhibition, it's activism. It's creating a space for explicit political feminist art...and a challenge to all sexist, heteronormative art/artists/collectors/curators out there.


Feminish (Blog)


United Kingdom

a 21st Century meditating feminist on life, the universe and everything


HarpyMarx (Blog)


United Kingdom

Harpy Marx is the alter-ego of Louise Whittle. Socialist feminist. Photographer. Politico. Depressive in a kinda cheery way. Who believes it is her duty to experiment. Rock ‘n roll comrades!

Member of the LP, LRC and Labour Briefing. Anti-war and anti-imperialist. Prefers cats to dogs, likes strawberry ice cream and staring blankly at ‘puter screens….and watching too much telly.


BlogHer (Bloggers Webportal)


United States

Welcome to BlogHer, the leading participatory news, entertainment and information network for women online.

Founded in February 2005 as a labor of love by three bloggers, BlogHer's mission is to create opportunities for women who blog to pursue exposure, education, community and economic empowerment.


Philobiblon (Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

Philobiblon. Green politics, history (particularly women’s history) science and books. Always feminist.

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