Scarlet Women (Newsletter, 1976-?)
"Was set up by a group after the '76 National WLM Conference to provide a forum for the socialist feminist network. It's a quarterly publication (approx.), and now has a circulation of 1,000 which is steadily rising. It is distributed through bookshops, subs, groups etc. Self-financing. A collective of about 3-5 works on the paper, they are unpaid, and the collective is open to new women. SW is aimed at women who want to read about / get involved in socialist feminism, and the paper co-ordinates the Soc. fem. current and provides a theoretical forum. Content: though formerly the collective supplied most of the content, this is fast changing and articles are now invited from women/groups of women, on subjects for 'topic' issues. Editorial policy: the contents are supposed to conform to a minimum definition of Soc. fem but in practice they have never censored anything, but may cut things. No entries from men. Though the SW collective subscribe to the definition of S.F. given in Issue 6/7, the journal remains an open forum for ideas. Scarlet Women is just beginning to 'take off' with a national editorial group, but the local collective is inundated with work. The National editorial collective would like to see a paid collective- so would the local group."
- Information from the "Directory of Women's Liberation Newletters, Magazines, Journals...", by Dena and Shaila (York, UK), c.1978