Queer Female Art Show!
Queer Grrrl Art Links
What: A zine, an art show based in Bellingham WA at the iGallery/Ground Floor in March 2010, and an ever-expanding directory of queer female artists.
Why: We need mentors! I have been searching the Internet to try to find queer female artists and come up short. We all need mentors and peers to bounce ideas off of and to enforce the notion that we do exist and we can succeed. We deserve representation!
Who: You! If you identify as queer, female, and an artist, please link up! Join this group. If you just want to be linked, send your name, email, and web address if you have one, and 2-7 photos of your artwork in jpg format to misty [dot] femenineteyahoo [dot] com with subject line link. If you want to be considered for the contemporary queer female artists show please send 3-7 photos of your artwork, web address if you have one, myspace, facebook or other profile, an artist biography talking about your work, identity, and thoughts or theories behind your art, and name, title, medium, dimensions to go along with each piece with subject line art show to misty [dot] femeninete
yahoo [dot] com. Themes I am especially interested in showcasing are identity and place in the world, power dynamics, body politics, pop culture references and critiques, homo-erotica, socially confrontational art and works on healing. Please also send ideas about what themes you explore or want to see explored by queer female artists. Lets link up, show off, collaborate, brainstorm, inspire, and uplift each other!
Also included in this art show will be musicians and workshops. If you are a queer female in a band please also send a link and if you have an idea for or would like to present a workshop, please send your ideas!
Please send art to be considered for the show by Jan 12th, 2010