Ladyfest Singapore 2005
"In the year 2000, a group of individuals from the local music scene collaborated and organized a non-profit show to showcase young girls playing in bands known as Girlfest: Ready Set Go! The group fervently believes in providing another avenue to showcase the talents of the young female musicians for the simple reason of supporting them in the local music scene. Therefore, the bands that performed at this particular gig had to have at least one female member. When word about the gig got around and people started getting to know about its “theme”, they started calling it Girlfest and to this day, people still remember that gig better by this name.
Four years after the first gig, Girlfest returned with its follow up, Girlfest 2: Double Dare Ya!. But that doesn't mean that during the absence of Girlfest, girls have been inactive in the scene. In year 2004, Girlfest Singapore was established as a committee comprising of 8 people. Girls have never been more active than they are right now. Numerous bands have since formed and Ladyfest Singapore aims to provide a platform for them to let others know that they exist.
The change of name from Girlfest to Ladyfest, is seen by the group as a step taken towards maturity and also to be affiliated to a network of Ladyfests all over the world (! Furthermore, all the girls have now all grown up to be awesome and influential ladies and Ladyfest Singapore would like to recognise that among other things." (