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FEMEN пришла, разделась, победила (she came, undressed and won) (Blog)


blog of the Ukrainian feminist activist group FEMEN whose members are known for demonstrating topless in public space in Ukraine and elsewhere against sexism, discrimination, sex tourism/prostitution and for women's rights, but also more general against political oppression and censorship and for political/human rights and freedom of speech; Most of their activities take place in Kiev and in Ukraine, but e.g. in autumn 2011 they also started a Eurotour bringing them to Switzerland, France, Italy and Austria, and a FIST - FEMEN International Support Team (based in Ghent/Belgium) as well as several other support groups have been founded troughout Europe (Italy, Spain, Poland, Serbia) and the US.

FEMEN (Ukrainian:Фемен) is a Ukrainian protest group based in Kiev, founded in 2008. The organisation became internationally known for organizing topless protests against sex tourists, international marriage agencies, sexism and other social, national and international ills. Some of the goals of the organisation are: "To develop leadership, intellectual and moral qualities of the young women in Ukraine" and "To build up the image of Ukraine, the country with great opportunities for women". As of late April 2010 the organisation is contemplating becoming a political party to run for seats in the next Ukrainian parliamentary election.


The movement was founded in 2008 by Anna Hutsol (born 1983, most FEMEN members are younger) after she became attuned to the sad stories of Ukrainian woman duped by false promises from abroad: "I set up FEMEN because I realised that there was a lack of women activists in our society; Ukraine is male-oriented and women take a passive role." Since then the organization has staged noticeable erotically-flavored rallies (among others) near the building of the Cabinet of Ministers, at Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the Turkish embassy in Ukraine and in front of the Iranian embassy to oppose the expected execution of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.

Hutsol is adamantly opposed to legalizing prostitution in Ukraine. FEMEN proposed the introduction of criminal responsibility for the use of sex industry services late in May 2009.

A demonstration by a group called RU FEMEN in the Russian capital Moscow late April 2011 was immediately denounced as a fake offspring of FEMEN. FEMEN accused Russian political party United Russia of having set up this RU FEMEN

«Femen» — украинская феминистская организация, известная своими эпатажными акциями. Основана в 2008 году. В организации преимущественно состоят студентки киевских вузов, хотя также есть школьницы . Глава организации — Анна Гуцол.

«Femen» неоднократно проводила акции против женской проституции на Украине под лозунгом «Украина — не бордель!». Анна Гуцол заявляла, что 60 % киевских проституток являются студентками.


После прихода к власти Виктора Януковича, организация занимается преимущественно политической деятельностью, в то время, как вопросы секс-туризма отошли на второй план. «Femen» провели несколько акций в защиту свободы слова и собраний. 23 июня 2010 года активистки организации заявили о давлении на них со стороны неких «неизвестных правоохранителей» и отменили акцию под стенами СБУ, которая была посвящена якобы давлению СБУ на актвисток «Femen».


«Femen» — українська громадська організація, яка відома своїми епатажними піар-акціями. Заснована у 2008 році. Організація переважно складається зі студенток київських ВНЗ, але також є школярки та декілька чоловіків. Голова організації — Ганна Гуцол.

Логотип організації було розроблено російським дизайнером Артемієм Лебедєвим

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50° 27' 0.36" N, 30° 31' 24.24" E
Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
FEMEN activist group founder: Anna Hutsol
Affiliated organisation: 
FIST - FEMEN International Support Team
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
2008 - now
Language of project: 
Girls and young women
Grassroots media in Europe
Human rights
Political participation
Women's Liberation Movement