Illustration © Nikki McClure



Stop the Strip Pub (Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

Hello and welcome to the website/blog for the Stop The Strip Pub campaign. This is the movement to prevent Satchmo's on Stoke Newington Road (North London) being granted a license to put on strip shows.

On 8th March a group of nearly 100 local residents met outside Satchmo's to protest Satchmo's application.

On 11th April Hackney Council announced that they had received 525 written letters of objection - a new record for the borough.

We Won! On Tuesday 6th May Hackney Council rejected Satchmo's application for a Sex Encounters Establishment license.




United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

The adventures of a young woman whose principal interests are secularism, feminism and stand-up comedy.


Verge (Magazine/Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

Verge Magazine was a one-off print magazine, initially conceived under the title "Vagina Magazine". There was also a short-lived blog.


Feminist Bite (Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W

feminist bite. It hasn't gone too far. On the contrary, it hasn't gone far enough

A UK Blog on feminism, political affairs and the like


National Women's Council of Ireland (Blog)


53° 20' 38.7744" N, 6° 16' 2.9784" W

Welcome to the new website of the National Women's Council of Ireland. We hope that you find it exciting and interesting, and that you are inspired to use it to further your own efforts to bring about equality for women in this country. We hope, too, that you like our new, womanly logo, designed for us by Alison Burns, and our photographs, many of them taken by Derek Speirs.

We urge you to join us, and our 160 member groups, in the National Women's Council, whether as part of a group, or as an individual member. Women are bearing the brunt of this recession, as carers, as low paid workers, as the providers of a wonderful range of community groups and services, now under threat. The National Women's Council is campaigning under the banner, "No Going Back". Join us and let us make this country work for women!

Susan McKay
Director, National Women's Council of Ireland


The Lady List (Website)



The Lady List: For Ladies Who Like Ladies

The Lady List is an independent online resource dedicated to providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on events and gatherings happening around Ireland for gay, lesbian, bi and transgender /gid women.

Why was it set up?

As the gay scene advances and improves in Ireland, so too should the access to information and it was felt that a proper professional service was not being provided for the lesbian community. Information was fragmented, sometimes outdated, unclear and at times, difficult to source. The Lady List is trying to change that.


Gaelick (E-Zine)



Gaelick is made up of a group of Irish people who talk too much. We’re all friends who are sick of pretending to listen to eachother and basically just want an audience.
Ok, seriously, we’re a group of mates who decided that we wanted an e-zine for Irish lesbians, and why wait and complain when we can do it ourselves?

Gaelick is an Irish lesbian e-zine, comprising a group of Irish women who talk too much. So now, we’re lesbians online. We’re a motley crew of creative lesbians, media and political lesbians, bookworm lesbians, film fanatic lesbians, student lesbians and professional lesbians – all with one thing in common. In fact, we’re lesbian/gay/bi/whatever you’re having yourself. So, read, enjoy, comment and visit often! Remember we need an audience!


Saying What We Want: Women's Demands in the Feminist Seventies and Now (Pamphlet)


United Kingdom

'Saying that you want something - demanding it - does not necessarily mean that you will get it, but not saying what you want more or less guarantees that you will not get it.'
Zoë Fairbairns

This pamphlet is a thought-provoking and accessible introduction to the Women's Liberation Movement in 1970s UK and provides a spring-board for thinking about women's lives now.

In assessing the demands of the feminist past we challenge women to make present-day demands - once again its time to ask political questions and to 'say what we want'.


Ladyfest East 2001 (Hampton)


Easthampton, MA
United States
42° 15' 39.7764" N, 72° 40' 28.4196" W

Ladyfest East happened from 24th to 25th of August 2001.


Ladyfest East 2001 (NYC)


New York, NY
United States
40° 42' 20.2608" N, 74° 0' 53.6148" W

"LADYFEST*EAST is a non-profit, East-Coast based
event dedicated to supporting and promoting the
artistic, organizational and political talents of women.

LADYFEST*EAST will feature a diverse lineup of
musicians and other artists and is one of four
ladyfests qround the world promoting a female-positive
message." (