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Ladyfest Edinburgh and Edinburgh Anarchafem kollective organised Soapbox from 25th to 26th of September 2010.
Darmstadt's first Ladyfest happened on 3rd of September 2010.
In 2010 two Ladyfests in Berlin took place, one festival in wintertime, another one in fall.
Ladyfest Bellingham 2010 took place from 18th to 20th of June 2010.
The second Ladyfest in Barranquilla took place in March 2010.
The 3rd Vox Feminae festival took place from 30th of September to 4th of October 2009.
Vox Feminae 2008 took place from 28th to 29th of November.
The second Ladyfest in Wellington happened in December 2009.
Ladyfest Twin Cities happened in spring 2009 in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Ladyfest Toulouse took place in April 2009.