Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Women's Radio Group is a training and networking charity for women interested in radio.

Current activities include:
# 'PEARLS' training course for women in West London
- the current course runs from September - December 2009
- the next course will be recruiting shortly, to start in the Spring 2010. Please watch this space for details.
- to listen to the work of trainees on earlier PEARLS courses (2007-2009) please click here,

# WRG monthly broadcasts:
Join us on the last Wednesday of each month for a mix of programmes from WRG members and PEARLS trainees.

# Transnational learning partnership:
WRG is a partner in imMEDIAte - Training Women in Media, a transnational Learning Partnership with organisations in Spain and Austria, funded by the EU's Grundtvig programme.

As part of the project, we produced three radio programmes on the subject of gender awareness and anti-sexist media work.

These were as follows:
~ Programme 1: work and trans gender – produced by ORANGE 94.0 in Vienna,
~ Programme 2: feminism in the UK – produced by Women’s Radio Group in London,
~ Programme 3: old and new machismo – produced by Nosotras en el Mundo/the Women’s Area of Radio Vallekas in Madrid,


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51° 30' 0.5472" N, 0° 7' 34.4496" W
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