Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Slutwalk Frankfurt 2011


* No matter who I am and what I wear: No means No
* Against sexism and a violent normal state
* For self-determination of body, sexuality and way of living

After a Canadian policemen’s advice for women* to “not dress like sluts”, in order to not be sexually assaulted, people, at first in Toronto, later in other cities decided to form SlutWalks.

SlutWalks protest against “victim-blaming”, a strategy of argumentation, which blames the person affected of sexual violence for the wrong that was done to her. SlutWalk is directed against heterosexism, rape myths and - downplaying.

Regardless of gender, identity, age or further background, everyone is invited to be out against discrimination, sexualisation and street harassment and to raise their voice for a respectful way of treating each other and self-determination considering body, gender, sexuality and desire!

The idea to name the protest “SlutWalk” is to be understood as a form of approbation of the word “slut”. The negatively connoted term slut is, among other things, taken up in clothing and used differently in the new context of a demonstration. By “slut” becoming a positive, self chosen label, the first intention, offence and stigmatisation of persons, is beat at it’s own game.

People who do not define themselves as “slut” are also invited to join. It is up to all participants to choose for themselves, how they want to dress at the occasion.

*** No means no! In your language too? Then walk with us!

Saturday 13/8/11, at 3 p.m. “Kaisersack”/ in front of the main station Frankfurt
Free info-material is available on Slutwalkfrankfurtathotmail [dot] de To be picked up and handed out.


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